Quick Draw

Quick Draw is an exciting Keno-style New Jersey game offering the chance to win up to $100,000 over 200 times a day! Add the Bullseye option for even bigger prizes and more ways to win.

This fast-paced game has drawings every four minutes. Simply choose how many numbers (spots) you want to play in a game - from a 10 Spot Game all the way down to a 1 Spot Game.

Next, pick up to 10 numbers to play from 1 through 80 (you'll need to choose the same amount of numbers as above). Alternatively, check the Quick Pick circle to have the Lottery computer randomly generate your numbers.

Decide how much you want to play per draw ($1 per play).

To play the same numbers for up to 20 consecutive draws, just choose the number of draws you'd like to play.

To add the BULLSEYE option, simply select "Y" for Yes on your playslip. BULLSEYE gives you the chance at larger prizes - you can win up to $300,000. BULLSEYE also doubles your base play cost.

There is also a Double BULLSEYE option, which triples the cost of playing. One of the 20 winning numbers is selected as the red BULLSEYE and one is chosen as the green Double BULLSEYE. This option makes it possible to win up to $900,000.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE Prizes and Odds of Winning

Here's a breakdown of the prizes and odds of winning for each game (10 Spot down to 1 Spot), including the BULLSEYE option:

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 10 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 10 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
10 $100,000* $200,000* $900,000*
9 $5,000 $15,000 $45,000
8 $300 $1,200 $2,700
7 $45 $105 $255
6 $10 $15 $70
5 $2 $4 $14
4 - $3 $8
3 - $2 $5
2 - $2 $5
1 - $5 -
0 $5 - -
Odds: 1 in 9.05 1 in 4.51 1 in 70.22
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 9 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 9 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
9 $30,000 $40,000 $120,000
8 $3,000 $2,000 $7,000
7 $125 $175 $1,075
6 $22 $38 $128
5 $5 $15 $30
4 $1 $4 $14
3 - $2 $5
2 - $2 $5
1 - $5 -
Odds: 1 in 6.53 1 in 4.95 1 in 87.78
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 8 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 8 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
8 $10,000 $15,000 $90,000
7 $400 $800 $3,100
6 $60 $140 $440
5 $10 $20 $40
4 $2 $6 $13
3 - $2 $5
2 - $2 $5
1 - $5 -
Odds: 1 in 9.77 1 in 5.49 1 in 112.86
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 7 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 7 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
7 $2,500 $5,500 $27,500
6 $100 $200 $900
5 $15 $45 $160
4 $3 $11 $25
3 $1 $4 $7
2 - $2 $5
1 - $5 -
Odds: 1 in 4.23 1 in 6.18 1 in 150.48
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 6 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 6 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
6 $1,000 $1,500 $6,500
5 $45 $85 $355
4 $7 $18 $83
3 $1 $7 $17
2 - $3 $8
1 - $5 -
Odds: 1 in 6.19 1 in 7.12 1 in 210.67
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 5 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 5 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
5 $300 $450 $2,200
4 $20 $30 $180
3 $2 $13 $43
2 - $5 $12
1 - $5 -
Odds: 1 in 10.34 1 in 8.43 1 in 316
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 4 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 4 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
4 $55 $245 $945
3 $5 $15 $95
2 $1 $9 $44
1 - $5 -
Odds: 1 in 3.86 1 in 10.39 1 in 526.67
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 3 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 3 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
3 $23 $77 $477
2 $2 $16 $73
1 - $8 -
Odds: 1 in 6.55 1 in 13.68 1 in 1,053.33
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 2 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 2 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
2 $10 $45 $390
1 - $15 -
Odds: 1 in 16.63 1 in 20.26 1 in 3,160
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 1 Spot Game

Quick Draw with BULLSEYE 1 Spot Game - Prizes and Odds of Winning
Numbers Matched Base Prize BULLSEYE Prize Double BULLSEYE Prize
1 $2 $44 -
Odds: 1 in 4.00 1 in 40.00 -
*Subject to New Jersey Lottery Rules, the prize amount won may be pari-mutuel. The total liability for the 10 of 10 prize is limited to $3,000,000 per drawing. All prizes based on a $1.00 wager.

Quick Draw Progressive Jackpot

When you buy a ticket, you also receive nine random numbers between 1 and 80, displayed as 'Your Jackpot Numbers'. If all nine of these numbers are drawn, you win a share of a progressive jackpot that keeps going up until someone wins. A $1 wager wins 10 percent of the jackpot, a $2 wager wins 20 percent, and so on.

E-Z Play

You can also ask for an e-z Play when you buy a Quick Draw ticket. A series of E-Z Play numbers will be printed on your ticket. If these match the numbers selected for the main Quick Draw, you win the prize shown alongside it on your ticket.

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