Points for Prizes from Arkansas Lottery

Wednesday January 20th 2010

Back in December we brought the exciting news to you that the Iowa Lottery had introduced additional ways for lottery players to win a prize from their losing scratch off tickets. A similar scheme called Points for Prizes from the Arkansas Lottery has just been announced, which enables lottery players to clock up points from their losing scratch off tickets, which can be entered into the already established Play it Again drawing programme, available online.

Next Estimated Jackpot:
$240 Million
Time left to buy tickets
Buy Tickets

These points can then be redeemed for exciting merchandise from an online store which will be open on February 8th 2010.

Players who enter their losing scratchcards from the Arkansas Lottery will be able to see a total tally of the points which they have accumulated by January 19th 2010. Lottery players will still be able to continue adding their losing tickets along with any new players who also chose to take part in this scheme from the Arkansas Lottery.

The Points for Prizes store will offer merchandise to players of the Arkansas Lottery such as, clothing, sporting goods and entertainment items, along with occasional offer of music downloads and gift certificates.

The Arkansas Lottery wants to give as much back to the state and players as possible and this is the aim of this exciting new programme. If lottery players know that when they buy lottery tickets, even the losing ones will eventually bring them a reward, they are more likely to play the scratch off games from the Arkansas Lottery, in turn bringing in more revenue.

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